Sign up today
Our membership offering is open with your own Members Dashboard that includes quick links and information.
Content is being uploaded daily with the release of new features being added at pace.
You can choose whether to sign up for a monthly or annual subscription. You’ll be able to upgrade to annual at any time, or even move down to monthly if you want.
For those that wish to wait but be kept informed, please complete the Put your lead on form on the home page.
Rolling monthly membership, cancel anytime within the membership area.
*Get 2 months free in your first year, price reverts to £48 for the second year.
Membership includes
Get all these features as soon as you sign up. We’re adding new features all the time, you’ll get an update to your email when new features are released. Head to the Member Dashboard to access all the content.
Creation of your own profile with 24 hour access to our ‘Member Dashboard'
Access to our members only Facebook Group where we post results as they happen.
Posting of results on the the platform, which you can search and filter.
Receive our E-News & Round Ups to your inbox
View 'Championship Qualifiers' for the Springer and Cocker Championships in 2025
Spotlight Data for both English Springers and Cockers - Top sires, dams and kennels right back to 1993
Data on competitive dogs. You can view all dogs, their info and results. Updates to the data is LIVE and ACTIVE.
Claim your own dogs adding them to your profile and appearing under 'My Dogs'.
Submit photos of your dogs and update their profiles. Your request will be recieved, actioned and submitted by our team.
View all clubs and societies in the UK running trials and tests.
Select those clubs you wish to follow and / or are a member and watch them appear on the dashboard under 'My Clubs'
View all club events, filter and search them. Follow the events you are interested in adding them to 'My Events' on your profile.
You chance to help us to shape the platform, feedback and get involved. We are actively invoving members in testing our new features daily.
Coming soon
We are already ahead of schedule with the release of new features on the platform and are excitied to confrim the delivery of the following new features imminently.
New features within 'My Clubs' to include syncing events to your own calendar.
Stud and litter classified advertising at a discounted rate for members.
Addition of closing dates to events and on your calendar so you don't miss one!
Trade classifieds including feed, training equipment etc
Future Development
We are beyond where we planned to be already and anticipate that the next phases will happen quickly, but we also need to give time for the new features to be refined and bedded in. Here you can see what’s coming next….
The ability for secretaries to create pending and approved events and them to appear in the events calendar. Quick to view this should allow for less trial crossovers.
Create your own PDF export of your dogs achievements.
The creation of meaningful sponsorship and partnerships with key events and businesses to add more value to membership.
Future gazing
The pace of this build means we cannot help but gaze into the future. These are some of the areas we will actively research to understand how we can deliver even more to our audience.